- Posted by Snowy 30 May
LoveLove Films love mobile devices and creating content for them!
With an increased focus on the rapid progression from desktop computers, to laptops, to mobile devices, the way people consume videos also needs to be developed alongside ever-changing formats of consumption. As mentioned in our post ‘Why your business should be using videos’, dynamic visual content is becoming key to promotion and sales. Business Insider writes that according to a report by BI Intelligence, about 40% of the traffic on YouTube comes from mobile devices compared to 25% last year and 6% two years ago. In a world where an increasing amount of dynamic visual content is literarily everywhere, even in London tube stations with its new high-definition projected ads, creators of visual content need to be able to adapt to a multitude of formats and approaches to viewing video.
With a massive amount of new content constantly appearing through different online channels as outlined in the infographic above, and with YouTube experiencing a mind-boggling upload rate of 48 hours of content every minute, it goes without saying that it takes a lot for your video to ‘go viral’, or even be seen by a large enough audience. The challenge of online creative content is therefore to grab and hold the attention of a public with an ever-shortening attention span. Even if you manage to keep a video short and to the point, there is no guarantee that the viewer will remember your product. It is therefore of great importance to create memorable content worth liking, sharing, tweeting and re-tweeting on social media and worth talking about in real life. Making sure video content is easily accessible on mobile devices and 3G/4G mobile Internet will increase the chance of your content being seen and appreciated by your audiences.
In 2012, Melbourne Metro launched their ‘Dumb Ways to Die’ campaign to raise awareness of train accidents. The video became successful far outside of Melbourne and has, in the moment of writing, attracted over 81 million views on YouTube through an extremely engaging concept. In terms of mobile devices, the stylistics of the video was a prefect fit, as the simple, but original animation was not relying on large-format screens. Adding a wide additional campaign with a large-format website, a small-format mobile webpage and a popular game for mobile devices, the campaign perfectly shows the need to adapt to mobile device users so content can be easily downloaded and viewed.
Investing in professionally crafted promotional videos might just be what gives your business the boost it needs and will ensure that your material is adapted to the formats and spaces it is consumed in. As visual content is constantly thrown in your direction, the industry experiences an increased pressure for their content to be engaging without being disruptive. Innovation in the use of new platforms is of the essence and will leave companies unwilling to adapt far behind those willing to take risks and break the mold.
Image Sourced: http://mashable.com/2012/06/22/data-created-every-minute
LoveLove Films is excited to contribute to this form of innovative use of formats and screening space, making your product or company stand out from the endless amount of video content. Making use of our expertise in live action, motion graphics and animation, we are the perfect company to produce content to fit any type of viewing format, be it mobile devices or large format cinema, broadcast, or screen ads.
Contact LoveLove Films at info@lovelovefilms.com or 01202 537858 today to talk about your next digital journey!
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