- Posted by Snowy 29 Dec
LoveLove Films would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
LoveLove Films would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, we were going to send out Christmas cards to the masses but then we thought: ‘Hey, why not create a fun, seasonal animated Christmas card!’ that, and well we had quite run out of time to successfully write, post and send cards out in time!
Our animation placement, Sam Kay (20, BA Animation & Motion Graphic Student from the University of Huddersfield) was set the task of creating the LoveLove Films Christmas Wishes animation! Here about his process here:
‘As we rapidly approach Christmas we decided, at LoveLove, that we should produce a Christmas card showcasing some fun, festive animation! Looking through other business cards and animations, they all seemed to have a common theme of simplicity. I chose to look at shapes and using a simple shape to animate, maintaining a common theme throughout the animation.
Using the circular shape, centre frame, I decided to integrate as many Christmas characters and festive objects as possible to make the animation appealing. I built a Santa, a Snowman, a decorative Bauble, a Christmas pudding and our co-worker aptly named ‘Snowy’. These are humorous and give the animation a jolly seasonal edge!
Once I had figured out which symbols of festivity lent themselves to the simple circle, I focused on how the animation could transition, change colours and background whilst creating some nice visuals. Due to the short timescale I had to complete the project, I kept the animation short and sweet but made sure I got the message across that LoveLove films would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!’
Watch our festive animation below!
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