- Posted by info 08 Mar
Finding your opportunity: LoveLove Films Team Share Tips for International Women’s Day 2018
International Women’s Day is celebrated in countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political.
LoveLove Films was set up in 2010 by Georgina Hurcombe to provide the creation of video content for TV, Film and Web, with animation, TV graphics, VFX and live action (4K) all catered for.
The animation industry can often be seen as a “Boys Club” with 74% of females over the age of 30 working in animation and VFX in the UK feeling that they have or will experience career barriers relating to their gender (AWUK survey 2014/15).
For this International Women’s Day 2018, we asked our inspiring female employees for 3 tips on how to flourish as a female working in the film and animation industries.
JoAnne Salmon – Animator

LoveLove Animator JoAnne with the Ekotopfilm award for ‘We Save Land’.
- Have patience
It can be a difficult task to get your foot in the door in the animation industry. So don’t feel bad or be worried if it doesn’t happen all at once. I think we need to give ourselves some patience in this journey.
- Don’t put yourself down!
Try not to put yourself down and tell yourself “surely I shouldn’t”. Don’t be afraid to send an email to a studio you find interesting. You never know who will read it. This is how I got my job at LoveLove Films by putting myself out there! Even if they can’t offer you a job they might be able to offer a placement or perhaps to come and have a look. There may be studios that offer classes. Even if you simply meet people who have a similar interest as you is worth putting yourself out there. But don’t feel to downhearted if you don’t get a reply either. This is normal!
- Have fun with your craft!
Have fun with your craft! As creatives we are lucky if we can work with our arts and craft whenever and for as long as we wish. Even if it is only as a hobby or something you do after work just enjoy it! Bring your sketchbook with you out in case you get an idea. Take the time to learn as many programs as you can and focus on getting really good at the ones you enjoy. The more you know the more confident you will feel and the more you will enjoy the world of animation. Try and see if there are any art classes. You can learn plenty and also meet others who share the same passion for the creative world. Meeting people and networking is a great way to get inspiration for your own artwork as well as meeting potential contacts for work. So get out there!
Shannon Reeve – Production Coordinator

LoveLove Production Coordinator Shannon on the set of TV Advert Cycling UK
- Persistence is key!
Especially in film or animation, a lot of things are going to go wrong or get in the way so it’s important to just keep going!
- Stay Positive!
Negativity spreads like wildfire. While it’s easy to just sit and complain about stuff, making an effort to be positive goes a long way.
- Help other women!
There are always going to be time, both on and off set, where you can help other women in one way or another, and it goes a long way. Just do it whenever you can.
Georgina Hurcombe – Producer/MD

LoveLove MD Georgina Hurcombe
- Find your opportunity!
Don’t be afraid to knock on doors and ask people for opportunities. I’ve got some of my best clients from just asking – you have a 50/50 chance between a yes and a no. As the saying goes if you don’t ask you don’t get and if someone says no just ask someone else (and then ask the person again six months down the line haha!)
- Find a mentor and be a mentor!
Find a great mentor or a network of women that you can use as role models! I recently started a programme with Animated Women UK and it was great to meet all these amazing women in the industry. Its important to have role models that you can ask questions to and in turn its important to help others who are at the beginning of their careers! I’m a firm believer in treating people how you would like to be treated, so you should support other women coming up through the industry – not only will you make some great connections but you will likely pick up some great friends too!
- Do self promote!
Having won a few awards I often would fall into the trap of saying “oh thanks” and feeling somewhat awkward or downplaying these achievements where in fact I won these awards because of the hard work I’ve put into my business over the years – the video and animation industry doesn’t operate on luck – I’m not sure where this behaviour stems from, but I think as women perhaps we are conditioned not to put ourselves out there so much as men because we worry of seeming boastful or egotistical but you know what – if you don’t put yourself out there don’t expect anyone else to! So yes, I try now and make a conscious decision to own my achievements, give myself a pat on the back and promote the work I have done – it’s not a bad thing to be proud of what you have created.
What are you doing today to celebrate International Women’s Day? Visit https://www.internationalwomensday.com/ to find out how you can take action!
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