- Posted by Snowy 30 Jul
Blood, guts, gore and a bowl of popcorn!
Blood, guts, gore and a bowl of popcorn being chucked across the room in sheer terror are usually the first things that come to mind when we think of watching a horror, but that only adds to the excitement.
Wildseed Studios teamed up with the Horror Channel, Movie Mogul and FrightFest to hold their ‘Short Cuts to Hell II’ competition, which consisted of creating a bone-chilling three-minute short, with as little budget as possible, for the chance to transform it into a feature film with the aid of a £20,000 budget.
Our talented scriptwriters and imaginative team worked together to create a thrilling horror animatic of ‘The Last Dead End’. With all the exciting projects going on here at LoveLove, The Last Dead End was an extra side project created in conjunction with Blue Donut Studios, and completed with a extremely quick turnaround.
The eerie black, white and red look of the short is enough to give us nightmares, let alone the blood-curdling screams! We are thrilled to have made it to the next round of the final 26!
The Last Dead End now has the opportunity to be broadcast on the Horror Channel and through other means of distribution. Check out the haunting animatic here!
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