- Posted by info 03 Jun
Hans Zimmer Live on Tour: An Experience
Music has always played a vital role in movies. Imagine in the Lion King, Simba being held up above the African plains without the circle of life playing, or in Pirates of the Caribbean, Jack Sparrow jumping from ship to ship without its iconic nautical theme tune. Well, these memorable numbers wouldn’t have been possible without the work of Hans Zimmer.
Working on the likes of The Da Vinci Code, The Dark Knight and Interstellar (to name a few) the German born composer has helped craft the soundtrack to a wide selection of acclaimed movies throughout his career, and you’ve probably heard more of his music than you think.
But despite being a world-renowned musician and composer Hans had never shared his music much beyond the screen and small concerts, having never played a live tour of his own. That is, until now.
In 2015 Hans Zimmer announced his first ever live tour that would be spread across Europe. He planned to play a selection of his most notable pieces, with his fans surely in for a unique and wonderful live performance like no other, with his tour promising Hans will “play his music, his way”.
And he didn’t disappoint. Only touring a total of 5 locations within the UK, Bournemouth was luckily enough to have Hans play live at the BIC on the 28th of May. The composer hand picked an amazing array of musicians to accompany him on stage, including Lebo M. the sound and soul of the Lion King and Mike Einziger, the fabulous guitarist from Incubus, alongside many musicians who were friends with Hans himself.
The performance was breath-takingly stunning; with Hans’s perfect balance of classical music and new age electric sound, he was able to transport his audience from the arena of Gladiator to the Batmobile in just a matter of minutes.
And as if the music wasn’t enough, Hans himself brought the stage to life, with his natural talent, great sense of humour and humble attitude; he helped create a truly inspiring and unforgettable performance.
But one of the greatest things about the show was not only the fantastically composed music, but also the stories Hans shared of his team and the people that he worked with and clearly cared about. He also throughout cited ‘girl power’ explaining how he works with a number of ‘wonderful, talented women’ introducing female members of his orchestra to the audience, such as electric cello player Tina Guo and vocalist Zoe Mthiyane.
Hans’s powerful performance of his pieces showed just how important music is within film and video. Without the appropriate music many films would not be able to move an audience and create that long lasting impression that every filmmaker hopes for. Music is glue that holds all the pieces together within a movie, which often doesn’t receive the due credit it deserves.
By Hans choosing Bournemouth as a location for one of his shows, it shows great promise for the town as an up and coming media hub, with the town recently beating London as the fastest growing digital economy (as voted by the Telegraph). Additionally it is home to Bournemouth University, one of the top choices for media courses in the UK, having the biggest student radio in the country and connections with BBC, Channel 4 and ITV.
Hans Zimmer gave a truly magnificent performance that inspired the staff here at LoveLove, and we hope this won’t be last Bournemouth sees of this captivating composer.
“We’re lucky in these tumultuous and violent times to art and music to unite us.” – Hans Zimmer.
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