- Posted by Snowy 16 Apr
With the rising popularity and affordability of tablet computers, and the rapidly expanding range of video ready smartphones, consumers are turning more and more frequently to online marketing and promotional videos to inform their purchasing decisions and fulfil their informational needs. According to Internet research company Comscore “site visitors who view video stay two minutes longer on average and are 64% more likely to purchase than other site visitors.”
As a result of this technological boom, more and more companies are embracing the medium of online video as a vital commercial and promotional outlet, and ultimately as the future of content marketing online, and with good reason. The market reach and financial potential of online video as part of e-marketing is vast. The web’s largest video sharing outlet, YouTube, attracts more than 1 billion individual users every month; a limitless and largely untapped potential customer pool for companies and businesses to take full advantage of. In addition, research by eMarketer.com also found 51% of marketers deemed video as having the best return on investment (ROI) when compared to other content strategies.
The advantages of utilising video marketing over more traditional forms of media are self-evident. Create an innovative and engaging video marketing campaign and your potential audience can skyrocket as your customer base shares the video online with others. In recent years, a sizeable number of high profile companies have had great successes with video marketing; specifically within the viral video strand. A good example of this is mobile phone network Three’s ‘Dancing Pony’ viral video, which was shared over 224,000 times on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, and viewed by just shy of 3 million unique viewers in its first week alone.
The video promotional campaign featured an all-important hashtag in order to drive greater social media engagement. It was also bolstered by a web app allowing users to remix the video’s soundtrack and style the titular pony in clothes from different music eras and engage with the material themselves. A survey conducted by Sentinmentmetrics.com found that of those interviewed, 95.1% of the public feedback to the campaign was positive.
The fashion industry in particular has made effective use of this new promotional channel in recent years. Entire collections can now be viewed online, the myriad of outfits paraded before the consumer by models; effectively placing the customer in the position of a catwalk fashion designer, allowing them to appraise the way the clothes look in motion, as opposed to the more traditional static print ads.
The medium also allows fashion houses the freedom to experiment with more artistic and stylistically varied promotional material, such as this 2011 summer campaign video from American fashion house ‘Kate Spade’.
In the face of such a rafter of success stories, it seems that businesses that fail to integrate online video as part of their wider e-marketing campaigns, are neglecting such a rich outlet to their detriment.
Dorset based Production Company LoveLove Films are incredibly experienced with creating original content both online and on Television. A recent successful web video of ours is Joss Stone’s “The Love we Had” music video, which to date has received over 5.2 million unique viewers on YouTube alone. Another is for the local company TeamJobs, whose animated short film has reinvigorated the company, leading to a stylistic rebranding and an increase in business. LoveLove Films continues to produce exciting online content for your brand and business.
To discuss how LoveLove Films can create some exciting web video content for your brand contact: info@lovelovefillms.com or call 01202 537858.
Please Note: Lovelove Films did not produce Threes ‘Dancing Pony’ or Kate Spade 2011 example videos – but they are jolly good examples of great video campaigns!
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