- Posted by info 17 Sep
Lovelove Produce Music video Hookline for US band Far In The Maples
Lovelove Films are extremely excited to announce the release of American band Far In The Maples’ new music video for their single Hookline. Far In The Maples band members flew into the UK from New York to work with Lovelove .
Director and Band Manager Brian Nelson of Rebel Intellingence stated:
“I chose Lovelove films in the UK for this particular project because of their ability to animate. They have some of the best animators and best post-production people in the business ”
Lead singer Regina explains that along with being influenced by nature themes, the song is about “a relationship you’re trying to hold together but it feels as if it’s falling apart”.
With the video being filmed entirely on green screen, the Lovelove team had the exciting task of creating environments for the characters to inhabit from scratch, making it a really interesting project. It was also the bands first time filming with green screen with Reshy P (keyboardist) stating “it was cool because you got to use your imagination and it was a really cool experience”.
Watch the video below!
For more information on the album see:
Download the album now on iTunes: https://goo.gl/OrOKFX & Amazon: http://goo.gl/b2U2so
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