- Posted by info 10 Sep
Animation: Making the impossible possible.
With O2 releasing their newest advert yesterday (9th September 2015), animation is proving time and time again that it is a force to be reckon with. Wear the Rose, another phenomenal piece by Elliot Dear – also responsible for the John Lewis; Bear and the Hare advert – has nearly hit half a million hits on YouTube already.
Along with the advert, the Wear the Rose campaign by O2 has also established an online avatar creator, allowing fans to copy their favourite players. Once created, the avatars can be published on social media, in order to present support to the England Rugby team. Similar to ‘The Sims’, the avatar allows the users to chose from a range of hairstyles, face shapes and features to create a unique character.
This particular animation took over 12 months to produce, includes more than 6,500 hand-drawn and hand-coloured character frames and is the work of 30 animators! The team spent around 18,000 hours on this film, including lead animator, Dominic Carola, known for his work at Disney. The advert sees the players literally grow as their support increases, with its aim for to get us behind the England Rugby team, ready for the 2015 World Cup. England’s captain Chris Robshaw, along with Mike Brown and Courtney Lawes are presented in a variety of situations on their journey of realisation; the power of support can build them into giants.
“And those giants had the ‘determination, passion and pride’ in representing their nation.”
The Mirror
O2 has consistently hit over 1 million views for its adverts, and this one is on track to become one of their biggest hits. Nina Bibby (O2’s marketing director) wants to be seen as the brand that is stimulating the support for England’s Rugby team throughout the World Cup. Their support has not only been through this advert, but through the creation of the hastag #weartherose earlier on this year, their giveaways of shirts and finally their complete rebranding of their stores to include the rose on their signs. They say it feels like a natural celebration of their 20 years together.
The two minute film will be broadcast on Friday during an episode of ‘Gogglebox’, and will then be featured throughout channels such as; BT Sport, E4 and Dave. It will also be shown on cinema’s across England.
“Your support can make the England team bigger and stronger than ever before.”
YouTube Description
Why animation?
There are plenty of reasons why animation is becoming not only hugely popular with advertising, but also a widely effective form of media.
- Animations can combine a mixture of sound, movement and visuals which make it almost impossible to ignore.
- It can make complex situations appear simple, or make learning easier – and more fun!
- It grabs the viewer’s attention from the start, where as other forms of media can take longer for the audience to become invested in the piece.
- It can communicate quickly and efficiently – and can even make the boringest of topics interesting.
- Makes a lasting impression. Some adverts you tend to skim over or forget, but with animation you can create such fun and loveable characters, so the audience tends enjoy and appreciate the work – e.g.The Bear and the Hare.
With animation you can quite literally make the impossible possible. Animation allows you to create a world and environment that isn’t quite possible in reality – and is loved by children and adults alike – showing why it has become a hugely popular form of media.
Please note: we didn’t work on this project at all, we just think it’s a great peice of work! We LoveLove it!
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