Commons:Deletion requests/mobile tracking/archive/2021-31

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Per COM:FOP#Nepal: non-free (2010) statue.

Eleassar (t/p) 09:31, 19 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Can any one suggest me is there any solution for this? What if I obtain any letter from the owner of the statue? is there any format of such letter? -Krish Dulal (talk) 02:39, 20 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

This would be appreciated, however the permission to freely license these photos should be obtained from the sculptor (author) of the statue, not from the owner. Please follow the guidelines at COM:OTRS. --Eleassar (t/p) 07:39, 20 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: . .     Jim . . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 14:32, 26 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

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See prior discussion. Unveiled in 1992 and built/designed by Kamal Jain, CEO of Hilltake Group of Companies. Lest Nepal's copyright law is changed to allow commercial use of images of copyrighted artistic works without artists' prior authorization.

JWilz12345 (Talk|Contrib's.) 03:35, 31 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: per nomination. --Minoraxtalk 00:48, 9 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]

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The statue was completed in 2010. There is no freedom of panorama in Nepal, permission from the creator is needed as he/she is unlikely to be dead for 50 years.

A1Cafel (talk) 09:16, 27 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: per nomination. For those that might be COM:DM, the other subjects are out of COM:Scope. --Jonatan Svensson Glad (talk) 19:44, 17 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

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Previous deletion request, resulted to keep

The same reasoning as in this RfD. The station is in Crimea - the territory claimed by both Ukraine and Russia. While in Russia there is Freedom of Panorama for buildings, in Ukraine there is not. Per precautionary principle we need to apply the most strict law - that'd be Ukrainian in the case. Some or perhaps even all files here were already deleted in the past but were batch undeleted when Russian Federation's law allowed FoP for buildings.--BaseSat (talk) 21:13, 9 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

BaseSat (talk) 21:13, 9 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

+ Мои фотографии - Вокзал.Симферополь 03.JPG и Вокзал.Симферополь 04.JPG - были загружены в сентябре 2012 года в рамках украинской части конкурса "Вики любит памятники" с использованием соотстветствующего загрузочного шаблона. Информацию о загрузке именно в рамках конкурса можно увидеть на страницах этих фотографий. Украинская сторона в лице жюри конкурса не предъявила никаких претензий к фотографиям. Я искренне не понимаю, почему претензии могли возникнуть сейчас. Мне кажется, логично для начала обратиться с претензиями к тем людям, которые отвечали за формирование конкурсных (загрузочных) списков, а не к юзерам, которые руководствовались этими списками, отправляя фотографии на конкурс. Екатерина Борисова (talk) 22:14, 9 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

  •  Keep This project is ridiculous. No one in their right mind will sue Wikimedia or any other organization for that matter simply because an image of a railway station appears on a website's servers. DDima 22:15, 9 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
    Sorry, but these are not valid arguments. --BaseSat (talk) 00:30, 11 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
     Keep At the moment in this territory is applying only copyright law of Russian Federation --Butko (talk) 07:40, 10 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
    But per Ukrainian law it isn't so. And Ukraine's position in the conflict is backed up by many countries including the USA, where Wikimedia Commons is located. --BaseSat (talk) 00:30, 11 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
    Поезжайте в Симферополь и расскажите там кому-нибудь об этом – думаю, мы вас больше не увидим, и это к лучшему, наверное: меньше работы по переносу фотографий будет. С тем же успехом можно "превентивно" применять эстонские законы к объектам, расположенным в Печорах, поскольку Печорский район формально остаётся предметом вялотекущего территориального спора между Эстонией и Россией. --Alexander (talk) 19:38, 11 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
    Однако сервера, где размещены эти фото, расположены в США. Поэтому здесь применяется законодальство США. А они признают Крым украинским. Так что поезжайте в Вашингтон, убедите господина Обаму, что Крым ваш, тогда поговорим.--Anatoliy (talk) 19:56, 11 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
    Это не повод для флуда на политические темы, тем более, что лично я видеть Крым российским совершенно не хочу. Если здесь применяются только и исключительно американские законы, то они вообще не регламентируют копирайт за пределами территории США. Если речь идёт о местных законах, то они на сегодняшний день в Крыму российские – это факт, который мне лично (как, видимо, и Вам) не нравится, но он есть, и спорить с ним глупо. --Alexander (talk) 20:43, 11 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • Afaik there are currently some plans for establishing commercial FoP in Ukraine. Anybody know the status at the moment? --A.Savin 10:38, 10 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
    It will be hearing in parliament maybe next month.--Anatoliy (talk) 12:02, 10 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
     Keep Увидел пока одно своё фото. Это: File:Железнодорожный вокзал в Симферополе.JPG. Меня интересует причина, по которой файл выставлен на удаление? Alexander (talk) 19:09, 10 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
    На фото изображено здание вокзала в симферополе (К.О.) Крым сейчас принадлежит Украине по мнению одних стран, и Российской Федерации по мнению других стран. Если рассматривать фото с точки зрения российского законодательства, то начиная 1 октября 2014 с фото всё ок, если же рассматривать с точки зрения украиского законодательства то для публикации такого фото с разрешеним на коммерческое использование требуется разрешение от архитектора здания. На Викискладе действует превентивный принцип, по этому следует рассматривать ситуацию с точки зрения более строгого законодательства, которым в данном случае является украинское. --BaseSat (talk) 00:30, 11 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
    На Викискладе полно изображений различных украинских зданий. Никаких разрешений на публикацию фото от архитекторов естественно нет. Например вокзал в Киеве (File:Kiev-Passazhirskiy railway station, Kiev, Ukraine.jpg) или это. Проблема высосана из пальца.Alexander (talk) 08:42, 11 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
    Не переживайте, на материковой Украине BaseSat орудует не менее интенсивно. --A1 (talk) 11:26, 15 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  • We can support FoP new regulations in Ukrainian law here: ht tp:// --Halavar (talk) 19:18, 14 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Kept: Crimea is currently using Russian law. In addition, there is not much to copyright on many of these pictures. Yann (talk) 12:58, 16 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]

@Yann: And what about last paragraph of Commons:Freedom_of_panorama#Russia? It states as per precautionary principle, images of knowingly unfree Crimean buildings should not be uploaded to Commons.--Anatoliy (talk) 13:07, 16 February 2015 (UTC)[reply]
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All files show exterior and interior architecture of this Crimean railway station. There is no freedom of panorama of any sort in Ukraine. While the region is under de facto administration of Russian Federation, according to COM:FOP Russia: Following the Commons precautionary principle, images of knowingly unfree Crimean buildings should not be uploaded to Commons. See Commons:Village pump/Copyright/Archive/2014/09#Buildings in Crimea. And unfortunately, architect w:Alexey Dushkin is not yet dead for more than 70 years.

JWilz12345 (Talk|Contrib's.) 13:00, 28 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]

  •  Comment As 1951+71(I always +1 for these "copyright terms" because I don't know which country don't rule it as "until the end of the year")=2022, I agree to temporary delete them for 5 months, and automatically restore on 1 Jan 2022, but then I wonder if we can avoid such "temporary deletions" or not, based on "utilitarian objects" as mentioned in COM:FOP Ukraine section? --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 23:21, 29 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]
    @Liuxinyu970226: the building is not purely utilitarian. It has distinct architectural characteristics (not to mention that an architect designed it, not an engineering firm of some sort). JWilz12345 (Talk|Contrib's.) 02:55, 30 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Kept: Per previous decision of User:Yann, Crimea is currently using Russian law.. --Ellywa (talk) 23:31, 17 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]

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Commons:Derivative works from poster. Should be blanked to keep. EugeneZelenko (talk) 14:55, 28 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: per nomination, and non-notable event. --P 1 9 9   17:41, 14 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

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Unused group photo with no explanation of importance. No educational value. Malcolma (talk) 09:50, 30 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: out of project scope. --George Chernilevsky talk 08:45, 5 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

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Unused photo of unexplained significance. Little or no educational value. Malcolma (talk) 11:43, 30 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: out of project scope. --George Chernilevsky talk 08:49, 5 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

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Too close to be of any use, sat in the unidentified automobiles categories with no further categories, cannot see how this is in scope, thanks, –Davey2010Talk 13:52, 30 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: per nomination. --P 1 9 9   16:55, 17 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

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Out of Commons:Project scope: Unused diagram of questionable notability. Should be in SVG if useful. EugeneZelenko (talk) 14:27, 30 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: per nomination. --P 1 9 9   16:56, 17 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

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hardly own work, probable copyvio Pippobuono (talk) 09:10, 31 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: per nomination. --P 1 9 9   03:24, 18 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]

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no description, unidentified object, not in project scope Fl.schmitt (talk) 19:16, 31 July 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: out of project scope. --George Chernilevsky talk 09:44, 5 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

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The building was completed in 2018 by Jean Nouvel (1945–). There is no freedom of panorama in France, thus permission from him is required A1Cafel (talk) 07:13, 2 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: per nomination. --James F. (talk) 22:03, 15 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

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The building was completed in 2018 by Jean Nouvel (1945–). There is no freedom of panorama in France, thus permission from him is required A1Cafel (talk) 07:13, 2 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: per nomination. --James F. (talk) 22:03, 15 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

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The building was completed in 2018 by Jean Nouvel (1945–). There is no freedom of panorama in France, thus permission from him is required A1Cafel (talk) 07:13, 2 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: per nomination. --James F. (talk) 22:03, 15 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

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The building was completed in 2018 by Jean Nouvel (1945–). There is no freedom of panorama in France, thus permission from him is required A1Cafel (talk) 07:13, 2 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: per nomination. --James F. (talk) 22:03, 15 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

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Placard from 2018 - the death of Shmuel Auerbach (Q3923981). Not in public domain. -- Geagea (talk) 13:06, 2 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: per nomination. .     Jim . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 15:29, 21 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

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Files uploaded by Dflasher072 (talk · contribs)


Out of project scope and COM:PENIS

A1Cafel (talk) 17:19, 2 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: per nomination. --George Chernilevsky talk 06:22, 9 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

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Out of project scope and COM:VAGINA A1Cafel (talk) 17:25, 2 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: per nomination. --George Chernilevsky talk 06:23, 9 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

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Files uploaded by Cmppp (talk · contribs)


Out of Commons:Project scope: what new could be added to existing collection of explicit materials?

EugeneZelenko (talk) 15:35, 15 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: per nomination. - FitIndia Talk 04:52, 22 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

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Files uploaded by Cmppp (talk · contribs)


Out of Commons:Project scope: Unused diagram of questionable notability. Should be in SVG if useful.

EugeneZelenko (talk) 15:35, 15 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Deleted: per nomination. - FitIndia Talk 05:33, 22 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]